Thanks for visiting our blog about our journey to adopt our son from Ethiopia! It's been a long process and we are finally blessed to share the stories from the other side of the earth, in beautiful Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Catch up on previous post to this series by clicking Part 1 and Part 2 Meeting Our Son and Part 3 Warming Up and Part 4 Company and Culture, and Part 5 Seeing Growth. Don't miss Part 6 Taking Custody! And Part 7 here and Part 8: Sight Seeing and Play.
The day has come when all signs are a go and we are ready to make the trip home and introduce Tarik to the rest of his family! A beautiful journey full of prayer, grace, and absolute miracles is taking us to the next step - being home.
The Guest House staff have a good-bye coffee ceremony when each family leaves. We were the last family here and the only ones left because of the court closures and rainy season break.
One of the staff braiding our daughter's hair. I wish I could braid like that!
Saying our good-byes and giving our gifts of gratitude to the wonderful staff!
Arriving at the airport near 7 in the evening for a 10 p.m. flight. It was going to be a long night but we hoped Tarik would sleep most of the flight home then.
Waiting to board the plane, getting through the check-in and security was the longest line and the most fussy time for Tarik. He really just cried through the entire process. But, no worries, we'd be home soon! A little bottle before boarding and we hope sleep is soon to follow!
All loaded on the plane and ready to go. It's 10 p.m. and I thought I had a "plan" that it was night time, and Tarik would sleep. That was going great until the plane lights were left on full blast and they served dinner! That was way too much for little Tarik to handle. We had a tough start to a very long flight. 'Overly tired' and 'toddler' and not words that mix.
Tarik did fall asleep and had a good rest for the 'night.' When we was awake we played with little toys, cups, and snacked to keep him busy.
LANDED in the U.S! What a happy moment!!! We made it home!! Thanking God and ever so much joy!
And then the tears for the first car seat ride ever. They don't have car seats in Ethiopia, so this was a huge first for Tarik. Thankfully, he was so tired that the tears only lasted a little while before he slept all the way home.

The day has come when all signs are a go and we are ready to make the trip home and introduce Tarik to the rest of his family! A beautiful journey full of prayer, grace, and absolute miracles is taking us to the next step - being home.
The Guest House staff have a good-bye coffee ceremony when each family leaves. We were the last family here and the only ones left because of the court closures and rainy season break.
LANDED in the U.S! What a happy moment!!! We made it home!! Thanking God and ever so much joy!
And then the tears for the first car seat ride ever. They don't have car seats in Ethiopia, so this was a huge first for Tarik. Thankfully, he was so tired that the tears only lasted a little while before he slept all the way home.
We had originally thought that coming home we would just be us and let Tarik adjust. We thought we'd keep family and friends to wait until Tarik got to know us better and gave him a slow adjustment. Well, after all the rough patches and prayers over our trip, and knowing that our family and friends were behind us all the way, we just couldn't leave them out of this celebration of finally being home!! It was a celebration and a praise to the Lord for bringing us through, for parting the waters, and for the miracle of Tarik being home with us!
At first, just our immediate family greeted us at our home. The siblings were so very excited to meet Tarik and Tarik was very open and warm to meeting them. Our parents, my sister and our nephew were there too. A little later we asked our friends and more family to come over for a spontaneous party to welcome home Tarik and celebrate the miracles! It was a good choice for us and looking back, it was a perfect home coming!

A perfect ending to a perfect day. All our children together. Home. Together. At last! Getting them all ready for bed and Tarik's beginning to his forever family life as a Vogtman!
"Be confident in this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on unto completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
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